Difficulty EASY
Cooking Time 20 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes

Pancake with Ricotta and chocolate chips


Pancake with fresh sheep ricotta and chocolate drops.

Ricotta Pancakes are a great idea for breakfast or a snack. A very easy, quick and sweet recipe that will delight all palates. In addition to the recipe for classic pancakes with maple syrup, we offer you pancakes with fresh sheep ricotta and chocolate chips. What are you waiting for? Discover the recipe and have fun too.

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Pancakes alla Ricotta e gocce di cioccolato


4 people
  • Ricotta fresca di Pecora 200 gr.
  • uova 2
  • farina 00 8 cucchiai
  • Latte 125 ml.
  • Zucchero 4 cucchiai
  • Gocce di cioccolato 50 gr.



Per prima cosa versa in una ciotola la ricotta fresca di pecora. In alternativa puoi usare anche la nostra variante senza lattosio. Ora aggiungi lo zucchero e inizia ad amalgamare.


Nella stessa ciotola della ricotta e dello zucchero, versa il latte e continua a mescolare il composto ottenuto.


Ora in un'altra ciotola rompi le uova e separa il tuorlo dall'albume. Monta l'albume fino ad ottenere un composto solido. Mentre i tuorli aggiungili nella ciotola con la ricotta.


Aggiungi la farina e il lievito e continua a mescolare. Aggiungi gli albumi montate a neve e le gocce di cioccolato.


In una padella antiaderente a fuoco medio per pancake versa una parte del contenuto. Ricorda è importante che la padella sia a fiamma bassa per la buona riuscita della ricetta.


Una volta che il pancake sarà diventato soilido in un lato puoi girare il pancake e cuocere l'altro lato. Continua così per tutto l'impasto.


Impiatta e servi a piacere. Puoi abbinare sciroppo d'acero, frutta fresca o del cioccolato e una spolverata di zucchero a velo. Buon appetito!

How many pancakes can you eat for breakfast?

It would be preferable to eat no more than 2-3 pancakes for breakfast 2-3 times a week.

How many calories are in a pancake?

A homemade pancake weighs on average between 40 and 50 grams. Still taking the average, 100 grams of pancakes contain between 250 and 310 calories.

Why eat pancakes for breakfast?

Eating pancakes for breakfast allows you to start the day by taking in nutrients that are fundamental for our health. That is proteins, carbohydrates and mineral salts.

How long do homemade pancakes keep?

We can store already cooked pancakes in the refrigerator. Let them cool completely first, then place them in an airtight container. Alternatively we can use a plate or bowl, covering them with cling film. They can also be frozen, we recommend separating one pancake from another with sheets of baking paper, otherwise it will be difficult to separate them. The pancakes can stay in the freezer for about 2 months, it's best not to go any longer.

Where were pancakes invented?

It seems that the pancake recipe was born in ancient Greece, well before the year 0 between Athens and Sparta. The association with the United States is later. After having assimilated the Greek recipe, the Americans proposed an innovation to the recipe: the addition of yeast. From this moment on, pancakes will be the symbolic dish of the USA.

Where are pancakes heated?

Pancakes can be reheated in the microwave, toaster, or oven if you have more than one.

Ricetta di : Luisa Bayre e il suo staff

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Pancake with Ricotta and chocolate chips

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